Books Currently Available in Audio
Author: Blaze Ward
Series: Shadow of the Dominion
Series: Star Dragon
Series: The Jessica Keller Chronicles
Series: The Science Officer
Author: Leah R Cutter
Stand-Alone Books
Series: The Cassie Stories
Series: The Chronicles of Franklin
Series: The Clockwork Fairy Kingdom trilogy
Series: The Shadow Wars Trilogy
Audio Book Vendors
Knotted Road Press audio books are generally available through vendors such as, Kobo, iTunes, and Google Play. We use a middle man ( that distributes our books through the following vendors. Please contact us if your vendor is not currently listed. We make no promises, but we will ask.
Retail | Library & K-12 |
Apple | Wheelers |
Scribd | 3Leaf Group |
Audible, Amazon | Baker & Taylor |
Google Play | Biblioteca |
Kobo, Walmart | EBSCO |
Barnes and Noble NOOK | Follett |
eStories (formerly eMusic) | hoopla |
Playster | Odilo |
24symbols | Overdrive |
Downpour | Perma-Bound | | |
Hummingbird | | | |
hibooks (formerly Otto) | |
Instaread | |
Nextory | |
Beek |