The Desert Heart

Leah R Cutter

Trulliç finds his home in the desert, amid the great stones he raises from the very sands to build the city and the underground rivers he bends to his will.

He can’t raise people, though. He’s all alone. Well, except for the dog, Riyune.

How can Trulliç encourage others to come and live with him, when he knows the emperor and his guards are also on their way? When he can’t promise peace?

Trulliç makes mistakes but he must overcome his past and make a better future. And protect the people who will come, seeking the magic of the city of Haylevi.

The Desert Heart—the second novel in the dark, epic fantasy Tanesh Empire trilogy—also continues Nadeem’s journey to discover her new magical powers and her place in the world.

Be sure to read the first novel in this immersive trilogy, The Glass Magician and the final book, The Ghost Dog.

Publisher: Knotted Road Press (

About the Author

Leah R Cutter

Leah Cutter writes page-turning, wildly imaginative fiction set in exotic locations, such as a magical New Orleans, the ancient Orient, rural Kentucky, Seattle, Minneapolis, and many others.

She writes fantasy, science fiction, mystery, literary, and horror fiction. Her short fiction has been published in magazines like "Alfred Hitchcock's Mystery Magazine" and "Talebones", anthologies like Fiction River, and on the web. Her long fiction has been published both by New York publishers as well as small presses.

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