13 NaNoWriMo For the Rest of Us
13 NaNoWriMo For the Rest of Us
Business for Breakfast$2.99
NaNoWriMo – National Novel Writing Month – when people all over the world decide to write an entire novel – 50,000 words – during the month of November.
Do those other NaNo books discourage you? The ones that require daily check-ins, logs, and spreadsheets? What if you’re not a project manager, but really an artist at heart?
This book isn’t like those. Instead, it’s about finding YOUR process, determining what works best for you, as well as finding joy in the writing.
From the planning you need to do before November 1st to get you into the midst of it easier, this book steps you through the process of what you should do for November, and then how to go about organizing that book come January first.
If you’re a new writer just starting out, or a more experienced hand who’s dreading their annual commitment come November, this book will give you a different approach to NaNo.
Topics include:
Outlining or not?
Building the Writing Habit
The Voices Outside of You
Finishing up
The Business for Breakfast series contains bite-sized business advice. This is a 101 level book, with beginning-level advice for the professional writer.
Be sure to read all the books in this series!
Electronic book, compatible with all reading devices. Book can be read on all devices and apps. More Info