Tiny Dreams

Leah R Cutter

Jacob has done it all. Been so many people he loses track of who he used to be. Now, he works as a quiet craftsman, building custom tiny homes.

Until thieves steal the latest project he just finished.

Jacob thinks back to some of those not-so-pleasant times and oh-so-necessary skills he might need to get his hard work back.

Particularly if that means bashing in heads.

A short mystery, part of Leah R Cutter's Year of Mystery!

Publisher: Knotted Road Press (https://www.knottedroadpress.com/)

About the Author

Leah R Cutter

Leah Cutter writes page-turning, wildly imaginative fiction set in exotic locations, such as a magical New Orleans, the ancient Orient, rural Kentucky, Seattle, Minneapolis, and many others.

She writes fantasy, science fiction, mystery, literary, and horror fiction. Her short fiction has been published in magazines like "Alfred Hitchcock's Mystery Magazine" and "Talebones", anthologies like Fiction River, and on the web. Her long fiction has been published both by New York publishers as well as small presses.

Follow her blog at www.LeahCutter.com.

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