Part of the Business for Breakfast series:
- Improving Your Craft for the Professional Writer
- In Media Res
- Story Structure
- World-Building Space Opera
- Series and Continuity for Professional Writers
- NaNoWriMo For the Rest of Us
- Covers for the Professional Publisher
- Beginning Marketing for the Professional Publisher
- Growing as a Professional Artist
- Pulp Speed for Professional Writers
- How to Launch a Magazine for Professional Publishers
- The Three Act Structure for Professional Writers
- The Healthy Professional Writer
- Business Planning for Professional Publishers
- The Intermediate Professional Storyteller
- The Beginning Professional Storyteller
- The Beginning Professional Publisher
- The Beginning Professional Writer
- PREP-TOBER Business for Breakfast Box Set
- Breaking Discoverability
You’ve learned how to use the Seven Point Plot Structure to tell a good story. However, a good writer needs more tools in her toolbox.
Understanding the three act dramatic structure can give you a new way to build stories. Expanding to four acts, five, or even two, greatly enhances your repertoire.
Come explore the way we write for the stage as a method for increasing your skillset and becoming a better writer.
Some of the topics discussed include:
- The Three Act Dramatic Structure
- Understanding Acts of a Story
- Four Act Stories
- Working in Two Acts
Be sure to read the other books in this series of bite-sized business and craft advice.