- Dancing with Tong Yi
- The Last Dancing Leaves
- The Midnight Gardener
- War On All Fronts
- The Sweet Shop
- Lost Stars
- Paulaleena
- Candles and Shadows
- The Mouse Who Laughed
- The Bee-Keeper’s Daughter
- Nine Lives
- The Fairy Boy-Band
- Transformations
- The Perfect Shoes
- Fairy Tale Fates
- The Last Little Dogie
- The Challenges of Raising Urban Chickens
- Invitation to the Ball
- The Talent Show
- With a Little Help From the Gods
- A Stitch in Time
- Abracadabra Pirates
- Angry Earth
- Knight Dragons
- Were-Teen
Joanie finally found her heart out in the backyard, hanging in an old fir like a Christmas ornament, covered in bees...
Now she must discover what it means to hold her heart open for another.
This short story is part of the Uncollected Anthology series.
uncollected: not collected or gathered together
oxymoron: a combination of words that have opposite or very different meanings
The Uncollected Anthology series is indeed an oxymoron. Sprung from the minds of seven fabulous authors who love fantasy, short stories, and each other’s writing, the series’ main goal is to bring you quality urban fantasy fiction.
Every three months, the authors pick a theme and write a short story for that theme. But instead of bundling the stories together, they each sell their own stories. No muss, no fuss—you can buy one story, or you can buy them all. (We’ll be honest: we hope you buy them all!)
Uncollected Anthology: When you can’t get enough of the stories you love.
The incredibly fabulous authors—go check out their stories!
Annie Reed
Dayle Dermatis
Leslie Walker
Michele Lang
Phaedra Weldon
And our extra special guest author this issue:
Kristine Kathryn Rusch!