Part of the Business for Breakfast series:
- Improving Your Craft for the Professional Writer
- In Media Res
- Story Structure
- World-Building Space Opera
- Series and Continuity for Professional Writers
- NaNoWriMo For the Rest of Us
- Covers for the Professional Publisher
- Beginning Marketing for the Professional Publisher
- Growing as a Professional Artist
- Pulp Speed for Professional Writers
- How to Launch a Magazine for Professional Publishers
- The Three Act Structure for Professional Writers
- The Healthy Professional Writer
- Business Planning for Professional Publishers
- The Intermediate Professional Storyteller
- The Beginning Professional Storyteller
- The Beginning Professional Publisher
- The Beginning Professional Writer
- PREP-TOBER Business for Breakfast Box Set
- Breaking Discoverability
This book isn’t going to give you all the answers about publishing. Everything is changing too fast for that.
Instead, this book will help you figure out the questions you need to be asking, right now and tomorrow and direct you to areas you need to think about.
This book covers some of the universal things in publishing, such as: organizing your computer, your publishing schedule, contracts, etc. It also highlights the things that are driven by the genre of your project, such as covers, price, and marketing.
Learn from someone who has already learned some of this the hard way. And continues to figure it out.
Some of the topics discussed include:
- Producing Easy Books
- Organizing Your Computer
- Ideas In Marketing
- What Happens When You Do Strike it Big?
- Distribution and Branding
Be sure to read the other volumes in the series of bite-sized business and craft advice!