Announcing KRP’s 100th Title!

Business for Breakfast, V1

Today, KRP is proud to announce it’s 100th title!!!!!

Business for Breakfast, Volume 1: The Beginning Professional Writer.

The blurb:

Until now, as a writer, all you’ve focused on is the Craft of writing.

However, your writing is not the same thing as your business.

This book gives you a combination of career and writer/life advice to help you take that next step, and go from being merely a writer to being a professional, from someone who has had to learn all this the hard way.

Over on her blog, Leah Cutter will be posting a chapter of the book every Thursday for the next thirteen weeks.

You can read the book a chapter at a time there, or go and get the whole thing at one of your favorite retailers.

You may or may not realize that this announcement is coming out on a Monday, instead of one of the usual Tuesday announcements.

This is because it’s Jeff Bezos’ birthday, and this special edition is only available for the next three months.

I am aware of the many Amazon haters out there. I also understand that Amazon is not my friend. Amazon is a business.

Just like Knotted Road Press (KRP) is a business.

However, because of the Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) program, KRP is able to celebrate its 100th title. Not just due to KDP—the other ebook distributors have also contributed to KRP’s success. But because of Jeff and the others, KRP has some measure of success.

And KRP is growing.

We have four authors, soon to grow to six. Probably more. Multiple revenue streams.

A successful business.

Mostly that’s due to readers liking what we publish.

But it’s because of Jeff that we’re able to get those works into readers’ hands. And be a successful business.

So happy birthday Jeff. And thank you to all our readers.

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